Tuesday, February 07, 2006

72 Virgins

I am the last person to comment on other people's religion and beliefs. But this 72-virgins issue is bothering me and I am curious.

I mean the path I follow insists that I be a celibate while I am still alive. And if I pass the test, I end up in a state of nirvana. And nirvana, in short, means existing in total awareness without a bloody body.

Am I a sore loser or what? I don't get women while I am alive, and I don't get them when I die. But turban-heads can have many wives while they are alive, and when they die, they get to bonk - borrowing a phrase from dear friend Ron - 72 virgins in heaven?

What gives? Should I convert to Islamism? It sure sounds fun. But blowing up my body in order to enjoy that fun sounds a tad too steep.

Another related question - What do they do to the virgins once you have bonked them? Chop their heads and eat them or something? And where do they find so many virgins? Or do they kidnap Catholic nuns for you? If that's the case, I'll pass on a Catholic nun any day.

One more question - We are supposed to be clean shaved and bald, etc. But they never shave, nor cut their hair, etc.? Two extremes, if you ask me. So who's on the wrong side of the fence?

OK, so this wasn't a post full of wisdom, but some questions I am extremely curious about. You, dear reader, could help me by answering some. Many thanks in advance.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it they have life-size plastic dolls with real pubic hair and the *passage* is *sealed* thereby technically qualifying as a *virgin*.

I can think of no other way they can provide 72 of them. As they say, follow the virgin doll. Made in China?

Peace to you Wan Ker.


10:44 AM, February 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that if they blow up their bodies, they get bodies they have to blow up (inflate) when they get to 'heaven'. :)

12:29 PM, February 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is Islam, there is no such word as Islamism. You convert to Islam and become a Muslim.

Under the Islamic law, a man can have another wife, provided his current wife (or wives) agree to it, plus he must submit documentary evidence that he can support all in his family, including the new spouse and possible offsprings.

As for the virgins, I guess the Quran did not state they are sweet,young, nubile things, so maybe leftover stocks from a couple of decades or centuries ago. You know, defective and rejected inventory?

2:41 PM, February 07, 2006  
Blogger Wan Ker-Sin said...

Thanks for the comments. I think all Islamic or Muslim men get 72 virgins.

You could be right about the dolls Fred. And as per Anon, blowing up seems to be a popular hobby.

Hua, you mean even in this age of monogamy I could have more wives if I convert to Islam?

But how would you know the women you marry are beautiful? Their tent like dress prevents you from seeing them. Just like a gift wrapping. You never know what's inside.


4:44 PM, February 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So who's on the wrong side of the fence"?

You are.

6:42 PM, February 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And how do we know Allah or whatever they call him doesn't enjoy them before you get the chance? Everyone is corrupt.

Peace to you Wan Ker.


10:02 PM, February 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virgins or not, do they really have sexy women? If so, here I come. Islam world!

Quoting a famous pervert - "Beauty is not in the eyes. Not in the face. Not even in the tits. But in the sensation experienced during penetration."

I guess the above holds true; whether she is a virgin or not.


10:39 PM, February 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 72 virgins are avilable only to maytrs and great clerics, at least my impressions is that.

Islam in a way is better than our "civilised" law for " fairness and equality". Islamic law recognises that men has greater sexual needs than a woman can provide, and the women want social and financial security. So, as long as they can provide that for each other, the men can have more wives, subject to agreement from his current wife or wives.

But too bad for the female nympo married to a men who has low sexual desires, no extra husbands for her. And for the poor husband married to a wife with low sex drive, no extra wives too.

O! I love unwrapping presents!

You should ask Ron about mid-easten women before you comment about women being not beautiful!

9:42 AM, February 08, 2006  
Blogger HKMacs said...

I'm worried about this virgin thing. Blood everywhere and not much fun either.

11:02 PM, February 08, 2006  

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