Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Skin Whitening II

Desperate female readers wanting effective skin-whitening solutions have started emailing me. Instead of answering hundreds of emails, I will post a sample email from one of the readers and my reply below:

Dear Wan Ker-sin,

Thank you for your information about Chinese medicine for skin whitening, donkey cum facial masks. In another article, you discussed male genitals and enhanced virility by tying ice cubes to male genitals.

Is it possible for us to combine the two therapies? Would the donkey... um... deliver better results if we tied ice cubes to its organ before we... um... collect the miraculous whitening solution?

Peace to you, and may your meditation take you to higher levels.


Sammy Cheng Sau Man

I meditated on Sammy's questions and I think she has a point. Although tying ice cubes to donkeys' *organ* has never been tried before, I think we should give it a try. Trial and error is the only way to advancement and enlightenment, and I am sure our ancestors must have found the various critical and miraculous solutions the hard way.

But I think the excited donkey might be perplexed by the sudden feeling of cold when the ice cubes are tied. And the donkey might be frightened and kick away the desperate woman. Therefore, I think the following should be done:

a) Tie the donkey's legs before exciting him.
b) Slowly and gently caress its *organ* with cold water before tying ice cubes.
c) When the *organ* is sufficiently long, snap the ice cubes onto it using a rubber band.
d) If you have carefully followed steps a to c, nothing can go wrong.

Lastly, do let us know about the results in comments or email. Email address available in my complete profile.

FYI: Those of you who have sent business proposals should read brother Glenzo's advice. He is right.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet blog dud.


laser tooth whitening tooth bleaching in

5:41 AM, May 06, 2006  

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